music, part II

16.03.2016 / / Wissenschaft
puma mit weichen augen

No more words needed. Part II of the music-chapter deals with a part I am not good at: classical music. So just some treasures I ran into during life so far.

Bacarolle, Jacques Offenbach from the movie „la vita è bella“ (spanish link)

Mondscheinsonate, Ludwig van Beethoven

Ode an die Freude, Ludwig van Beethoven (not the whole version)

Goldberg Variationen, Johann Sebastian Bach by Glenn Gould, 1955

Ouvertüre D-Dur BWV 1068, Johann Sebastian Bach

Requiem, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Carmina Burana, Carl Orff

Die Hochzeit des Figaro, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from the movie „The shawshank redemption“ (english link)




Markus Pühringer
Werdegang: Journalist, Autor und Vater. Was mich antreibt: Philosophie, Menschen und Sport. biography: journalist, author and father. what moves me: philosophy, people and sport.
